Who is Caner Nalbantoğlu, the actor in the cast of the TV series “Kraliçe”? Where is Caner Nalbantoğlu from? What is Caner Nalbantoğlu’s life story and biography? How old is Caner Nalbantoğlu? Here are the details about Caner Nalbantoğlu.
Caner Nalbantoglu Biography
Caner Nalbantoğlu was born in Istanbul in 1989. He graduated from the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports at Ege University. He received acting training from Esin Doğan.
From the early years of his youth, Caner Nalbantoğlu grew up in the world of sports and played professional basketball for a long time. He played the character of Can in the TV series “Keşke Hiç Büyümeseydik”.
Caner Nalbantoglu Filmography
- Kraliçe (2023)
- Kuruluş: Osman (2022)
- Mezarlık (2022)
- Aşk 101 (2020)
- Baba Parası (2020)
- 45 25: #KusursuzCinayet (2019)
- Keşke Hiç Büyümeseydik (2018)
- Aşk Masalı (2018)
- Kaçak Gelinler (2014)