Hülya Hökenek Kimdir Aslen Nereli? Hayatı

Hulya Hokenek Biography, Hulya Hokenek Age, Life, Hometown

Who is Hulya Hokenek, who we know from TRT television and who later started hosting programs on HaberTürk television? You can find the answers to questions like Hulya Hokenek’s age and where she is from in this article.

Hulya Hokenek Biography

Hulya Hokenek was born in 1988 in Cizre, Şırnak. If you ask where she is originally from, it is Cizre, where she was born. Hulya Hokenek has been living in Istanbul for a long time since her family migrated there. She completed her education, including high school, in Cizre. She completed her university education in the Radio Television and Cinema Department at Istanbul University.

This content was prepared by the KimdirKim.com team.

Hülya Hökenek Kimdir, Hayatı, Biyografisi, Kaç Yaşında, Aslen Nereli?

Hulya Hokenek lived in London, the capital of England, for a period of time. She received language education there and added the Fast Track Journalism experience from London Institute to her education. Hulya Hokenek’s brother is a well-known heart surgeon in Turkey, and her sister is a pharmacist.

Hülya Hökenek kimdir, Hülya Hökenek nereli, Hülya Hökenek kaç yaşında, Hülya Hökenek evli mi, Hülya Hökenek eşi kim

Hulya Hokenek’s Career

She had the opportunity to work with Fatih Altaylı during her university years. The graduate of Istanbul University Radio Television and Cinema department started working as a correspondent on Kanal D television. Later, she started working at Kanal 7 television and worked there for about 3 years, then moved on to Kanal Türk. She worked in this profession at Kanal Türk for 8 months, and then joined the TRT News team and presented the main news bulletin there for 5-6 years. She has been continuing her duties at HaberTürk channel since 2018.


The presenter, who is in favor of women’s voices being heard in every field, wants women’s voices to be heard especially in the media, where men are the majority. She believes that women should be present in politics, media, on the streets, and everywhere.

Hülya Hökenek Evli Mi, Eşi Kim, Eşi Ne İş Yapmaktadır

Is Hulya Hokenek Married?

Whether Hulya Hokenek is married and who her husband is are one of the most curious topics on the internet. Hulya Hokenek is married, and they got married in 2018. Her husband’s name is Kamer İncedursun, and his job is film production.

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