Rapper Cakal bio, age, hometown, real name

Rapper Cakal Bio, Age, Hometown, and Real Name?

Information about the prominent figure of recent times, Rapper Cakal, is highly searched on the internet. Rapper Cakal has produced hit songs. We have gathered information about Rapper Cakal. You can find the answers to questions such as who is Rapper Cakal, where is he from, how old is Rapper Cakal, what is his real name, what did Rapper Cakal do before he became famous, in this article. Here are the details about Rapper Cakal.

Rapper Cakal Bio, Age, Real Name?

Rapper Cakal’s real name is Emirhan Cakal. He was born in 2001. Rapper Cakal was born in Bursa and lives in Istanbul. Before becoming famous, Rapper Cakal worked in boutique and marketing jobs. He is also the cousin of social media phenomenon Ceyda Yilmazer, known as “heyceyn” on social media.

He is a member of the Perros Blancos group. He shares his songs on the Perros Blancos YouTube channel. He became popular with the songs “Pust” and “Lutfen”. The song “Lutfen” has been listened to over 18 million times on YouTube.

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This content has been prepared by the KimdirKim.com team.

Rapper Cakal Hometown?

Rapper Cakal is originally from Osmangazi, Bursa.

What is Rapper Cakal’s Zodiac Sign?

Rapper Cakal’s zodiac sign is Capricorn.

Rapper Cakal’s Songs

  • Mahvettim
  • Lütfen
  • Perros Blancos
  • Puşt
  • Çarşamba Tatili
  • Minatoxkushina
  • Pişman
  • Glock
  • Glock 2.0
  • Günaydın
  • Fiji
  • Gözler
  • Günaydın
  • Düşeş
  • Senorita Sinyale
  • Geceyi Dar Ettim Kendime Zindan Ettim
  • Kan VE de Ter
  • Kediler
  • Antrikot

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